Count Yogi – the greatest golfer never known.

“No matter how I play, I’m never off my system. I more than likely will be the only consistent golfer that ever lived.” Count Yogi Harry M. Frankenberg (better known as Count Yogi) was an enigmatic, some would say mysterious, golfer born in the early part of the 20th century. All during the 1920’s 30’s …

The 5 Tibetan Rites for Senior Golfers

The Five Tibetan Rites are an ancient yoga practice that consist of a sequence of five exercises, each performed a total of 21 times (in the video below I suggest you start by doing each rite a total of only 7 times to begin with). Believed to restore a person’s vitality and strength, the Five Tibetan Rites are traditionally known as …

Learning Subconsciously

Ernest Jones was a successful golf swing coach of the early and mid-20th century, famous for his whole swing approach to coaching. Criticising the tendency of swing coaches to divide the swing into numerous parts, comparing it to dissecting a cat, he described the process as producing ‘blood, guts, and bones all over the place …

What my client taught me during a golf lesson

“Michaelangelo went to a block of marble and took away all that wasn´t David” This quote is the essence of Positive Impact Golf. Our job, as coaches, is to clear away all the barriers that are getting in the way of each golfer realising his or her full potential. We do this, fundamentally, by uncovering …