Do you play with yourself or against yourself on the golf course?

I would like to begin by reproducing some text from Timothy Gallwey´s very popular book ´The Inner Game of Tennis´ where he talks about the conversation we have with ourselves when we do anything, including playing sport.  Discovery of the Two Selves A major breakthrough in my attempts to understand the art of relaxed concentration …

The real interference in Golf is not what you think.

My curiosity with this topic stems from how I believe the average golfer interprets the idea of “improving his/her mental state.” We read about it all the time these days and are told how important it is when we play golf. Therefore, I think it is essential we get to the bottom of this statement and hopefully challenge …

Tension – the number one root evil in Golf!

Why is tension the number one root evil in golf? Because, with tension, the muscles contract preventing the golfer to move naturally and freely.To show you exactly what I mean by tension, please try the following exercise referring to the pictures below. 1. Begin with your leading foot glued to the floor and turn to the side …