The Five Tibetan Rites are an ancient yoga practice that consist of a sequence of five exercises, each performed a total of 21 times (in the video below I suggest you start by doing each rite a total of only 7 times to begin with).
Believed to restore a person’s vitality and strength, the Five Tibetan Rites are traditionally known as the “Fountain of Youth”. Created by Tibetan monks more than 2,500 years ago they were only introduced to Western culture in the mid 80`s.
Doing the Five Tibetans on a daily basis will bring you many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. The practice of these exercises is based on the body’s energy. The body has seven energy fields, or vortexes, which are now commonly known as chakras.
These 7 chakras spin round and round and technically, what the Five Rites actually do, is enable the chakras to spin faster, and at the same rate. The chakras control parts of the endoctrine system which is a network of glands and organs that regulate many of the body’s functions, including the aging process. So when the chakras spin faster and in unison with eachother the endoctrine system functions more efficiently.
Therefore, not only can youth and vigor be achieved when these energy fields spin at the same rate but they can aslo:
- reduce stress and anxiety
- give relief from joint pain and stiffness
- improve strength and coordination
- improve circulation
- improve sleep
- increase energy
I have been practicing the Five Rites for over 10 years now and I am grateful that I can fall back on this powerful practice whenever the need calls. That often means when I feel stress and anxiety coming on.
Now, during the Covid-19 quarantine, not being able to earn an income and unable to find more things to do to distract myself, I rely on this practice more than ever. It helps keep me grounded and in the present moment. I know that if I do not move my body for over a week or two then my monkey mind starts to wreak havoc on me and I become more and more anxious about my life situation and the future.
You may be having a similar experience so I am delighted to be able to share this newsletter with you in the hope that you will find some benefit and to help keep fear and anxiety at bay.